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The My Weigh Steele is the perfect scale for your kitchen, its large removable bowl is perfect for weighing ingredients with its tare function. The stainless steel bowl is also machine washable for any messy ingredients. The My Weigh Steele isn’t just a scale, it also features a timer and a thermometer, which is useful for any bakers that want to make sure the room is the correct temperature for their pastry. The large, back lit LCD screen reads weight in two modes (g/Kg, oz/Lb) for ease of use.

Power 2 AAA batteries (included)
Display Reverse lit LCD
Main Colour Stainless steel
Tare Feature Yes
Weighing Container Stainless steel bowl
Platform Size 4.5″ diameter
Scale Size 7.5″ diameter x 2.25″
Weighing Modes 2

Steele Weighing Modes

Mode: Capacity: Resolution:
Pounds : Ounces 11 lb 0.05 oz
Grams 5 kg 1 g
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